Covid-19: Anti Jewish bigotry, racism, anti Semitism


New Report Exposes Far-Right Incitement Against Jews Over Coronavirus Crisis

By Benjamin Kerstein

A new report by the watchdog group Canary Mission showed widespread far-right antisemitism and incitement against Jews surrounding the issue of the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
According to the report, right-wing antisemites are extremely active in spreading coronavirus conspiracy theories online. Since they have been banned from many mainstream sites, they use alternative social media like Gab, BitChute, Dlive, vk, and Telegram. Podcasts are also very popular.

JUNE 11, 2020 1:06 PM


Aryan Brotherhood member targets Kent State University Jews

May 26, 2020


A man [part of the Aryan Brotherhood] who carried an anti-Semitic sign at a Columbus protest – showing the image of a rat with a star of David – walked into a Stow convenience store May 3 with a hatchet and a machete, asking where the Jews were, then said he was heading to Kent State University in Kent to find Jews.
Jackie Congedo, director of the Cincinnati Jewish Federation’s Jewish community relations council, revealed the information at a May 21 webinar, “Hate and Anti-Semitism in Ohio During COVID-19,” where she was a panelist and co-host.
“Fast forward several weeks after this protest and law enforcement is actually investigating a subsequent incident where we know that he entered a convenience store around the anniversary of the Kent State shooting in that area wearing a black T-shirt with a Nazi symbol and swastika, black tactical pants and boots, a Nazi tattoo on the back of his head,” Congedo told attendees on the webinar.
“And he had a hatchet and a machete, and he was asking where he could find Jews. He told the clerk he was an Aryan Brother, for those of you who may not be familiar with the Aryan Brotherhood, which is a Nazi organization, and he said that he intended to go to Kent State to find Jews.”

Here’s how to think about NYC’s new COVID-19 data

Molly Boigon May 27, 2020

New York City’s health department has begun providing data that breaks down the city’s COVID-19 pandemic by a number of different demographic factors, including race and ZIP code. So far, the takeaways are clear— neighborhoods with more black and Hispanic residents, and/or with higher poverty rates, saw higher rates of infection and death. And, broadly speaking, the rates in Haredi enclaves of Brooklyn were not as high as in those areas, seemingly debunking social-media and mainstream-media speculation about Orthodox Jews spreading the virus by violating social-distancing guidelines.


This suggests the much-reported incidents of large funerals that disregarded social-distancing or underground schools may have been relatively isolated incidents, or that similar violations were prevalent in other neighborhoods but garnered less attention." 
Paging @NYCMayor

We all need to take a good hard look at ourselves and figure out why we believed something so contrary to the facts. But the @nytimes and @BilldeBlasio
especially owe the frum community a huge apology.


Sheriff proving non-specific threat against Catskill Orthodox camps, colonies
By Mike Randall
Posted May 21, 2020 at 1:37 PM

Joel M. Petlin
May 22

1) Threat on Facebook against Jews coming to Sullivan County in the summer 2) Sheriff investigates 
3) posts story 
4) Dozens of additional hateful comments against Jews, ironically blaming the victims. A vicious cycle of hate creating more hate. Stop #Antisemitism


UNDER INVESTIGATION: Sullivan County Sheriff’s Locate Woman Who Posted Threats Against Jews

May 21, 2020 9:51 am


SHOCKING VIDEO: Today in the morning, this bigot blatantly scrawled many hate messages against jews and president @realDonaldTrump on a few Subway cars of the J train, heading from Manhatten to Williamsburg @NYPDTransit @NYCTSubway @NYPDHateCrimes @NYPDTips @NYGovCuomo @NYCMayor

May 20, 2020

Man Seen Writing Anti-Semitic Remarks On J Train

ZAINAB IQBAL MAY 21, 2020 @12:13 PM

WILLIAMSBURG – Cops are investigating an act of anti-Semitism where a man was recorded making graffiti onboard the J train heading toward Williamsburg.

On Tuesday, May 19 at around 8:30 a.m., an unidentified man was drawing graffiti inside a southbound J train at the Bowery Street Station. The train was heading to Williamsburg. The man was wearing a mask and wrote, “F.. the Jews” and “Go to h-ll Donald Trump.” He also drew a bunch of arrows pointing at the statements. He then fled to parts unknown. The graffiti was soon taken off. The incident is being investigated by NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force.


Reporter Blaise Gomez Says Kiryas Joel Yeshiva Open; NY State Police Say It’s legal
May 19, 2020 2:11 pm

The following is from the Facebook page of News 12 reporter Blaise Gomez.
YWN notes that Gomez is well-known in the Jewish community, running round trying to find stories in the Jewish community. Many of her stories prompt hundreds of anti-Semitic comments on her social media platforms and make their way around other hate outlets in Upstate NY.


A tale of 2 cities. One where some people are harassed & publicly humiliated & another that enjoys cocktail hour free of 
@errollouis criticism.

May 19, 2020

Guest Opinion: COVID-19-related antisemitism rears its head
May 18, 2020


Original post on May-16-2020 shows a Hassidic man wearing a mask gives a stranger (a woman, visibly not Hasidic, without a mask) a boost.
The post states:
'This man is giving a stranger a boost today in Fallsburg but had 2 ppl drive by and curse him out. Haters will remain haters.'

Some of the replies on FB: Most were nice, some even pointing out to the fact who is the one wearing the mask (the Hassidic Jew vs the stranger that did not).

Yet (at least) 3 were malicious and showed how deep pandemic of racism and anti semitism is. Falsely stating basically that most are not nice. The first poster like that didn't answer to a reply by someone that asked her along the lines "how do you know, have you ever met any of them..."

Then came another one to state also like her about "majority", and the first woman poster who started this "idea" replied that this is what she said and complained that she was chastised for it. Along came a third poster stating that only "one in a million" is nice.


Jews threatened by rampant coronavirus-fueled anti-Semitism

By Beth Bailey
May 15, 2020 - 2:21 PM


2 Charged After Snatching Jewish Man’s Face Mask In Anti-Semitic Attack, Police Say
May 11, 2020 at 12:35 pm
Filed Under: Antisemitism, Bill de Blasio, Brooklyn, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Hate Crime, New York, Williamsburg


Bill de Blasio Finds His Scapegoat

The mayor’s gift for doing exactly the wrong thing was on full display when he put all Jewish New Yorkers on notice.
By Bari Weiss
Ms. Weiss is an Opinion staff writer and editor, and the author of “How to Fight Anti-Semitism.”

[New York Times, May 1, 2020]


Global Trends in Conspiracy Theories Linking Jews with Coronavirus

May 1, 2020
By Alyssa Weiner

Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff makes his living by illustrating anti-Zionist antisemitic dog whistles as satirical political commentary. His work, mainly published on sites such as Mondoweiss, is also motivated by rage against capitalism, globalization, and U.S. military intervention


Simcha Eichenstein on Twitter: "Anti-Semitism is alive and well on 
Apr 29, 2020


Arabic social media campaign compares Jews to coronavirus

APRIL 29, 2020 20:36

In this image shared on Telegram on March 15, the coronavirus is presented as a trojan horse for “globalist” Jews.


The coronavirus pandemic is fueling anti-Semitism around the world, and the US is no exception

Haven Orecchio-Egresitz 
Apr 20, 2020, 5:06 PM


Coronavirus Sparks Rise in Anti-Semitic Sentiment, Researchers Say

Report says far-right groups, ultraconservative Christian circles, Islamists and the far left have sought to link Jews to Covid-19


By Felicia Schwartz

April 20, 2020 2:03 pm ET


Dutch-Muslim politician tweets Jewish yellow star to protest coronavirus surveillance plan

By Cnaan Liphshiz April 20, 2020 2:14 pm


By a NYT reporter 

[ ]

How Coronavirus is Upending Orthodox-Jewish Traditions NYT

Though comments are:

Group 1:
A depressingly reminder of Jew hatred, a blend of: 
*A* ignorance, 
*B* NeoNazis "double" repeated posting a blend of old antisemitic memes; 
*C* blaming the ultra orthodox for not heeding (generalizing all) the social distancing early on with no ampathy. A few even cheer.

Group 2:

Some still blame (in generalization) for not heeding the social distancing but not showing hatred.

Group 3:

The humane ones...
Underlining the human theme we are all in this together.


White supremacists are targeting Jewish groups on Zoom
‘Extremists never miss an opportunity to leverage a crisis for their hatred’
By Zoe Schiffer 
on April 15, 2020 1:18 pm


Iranian health ministry holds antisemitic coronavirus cartoon contest

Apr 14, 2020 · BERLIN — The senior vice president for international affairs for the Anti-Defamation League...


The media’s latest hypocrisy: Blaming Orthodox victims of coronavirus

Eliezer Brand April 13, 2020


Boston-area Chabad Center vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti written in Russian

APRIL 7, 2020 9:44 AM

(JTA) — A man was captured on surveillance video writing what police say is anti-Semitic graffiti in Russian on the wall of a Boston-area Chabad Center.
He also drew a symbol that closely resembles a swastika above the words, the Boston-area ABC affiliate WCVB reported.


Anti-Semitic hackers are exploiting quarantine to infiltrate Jewish online meetings
March 27, 2020
By Molly Boigon


International Scapegoating of Israel and Jews for Spreading COVID-19

March 25, 2020

As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, examples of those seeking a scapegoat for the virus continue to proliferate. As ADL and other groups have explored, there have been numerous cases of xenophobia in the US related to the virus, particularly attacks against Asian individuals and groups. Internationally, there have also been many attempts to link COVID-19 to Israel, Zionists and Jews, with some people baselessly claiming the virus is part of a conspiracy of profit and gain by Israel and the global Jewish community.
Those propagating such conspiracies include media outlets, religious figures and even some government officials, primarily extremists, from several countries, including France, Switzerland, Iran, Spain, Turkey, and Venezuela.  Below is a small sample from those countries in alphabetical order:

Alain Mondino, head of a party list belonging to the far-right National Rally political party, posted a video on social media trying to link Jews to the spread of the coronavirus.

Press TV, a semi-official government station, broadcast a number of reports claiming "Zionists" were behind the Coronavirus. Quotes included: "Zionist elements developed a deadlier strain of coronavirus against Iran.”
During a protest against the closure of a religious shrine in the city of Qom because of the virus, a hardline cleric stated you shouldn't listen to the World Health Organization’s directives about the virus because “they are a bunch of infidels and Jews.”
Iranian-backed Spanish language HispanTV published a reportclaiming the virus “is the result of a Zionist plot...This virus serves Zionism's goals to decrease the number of people in the world and prevent it from increasing. Important investigations confirm this fact.”
In another segment on HispanTV, there was a discussion of various conspiracy theories about the virus as a Zionist  global capital, that the Zionists and Wahabis are aligning themselves as elites that manage world capital, and the virus is a way for them to control world order. Quotes include: "The virus has an Israeli tilt. Why did they do it? For revenge and frustration. Jointly with the Wahabi Monarchy. The Wahabis and the Israelis have a serious existential problem. Maybe it wasn’t a state entity but maybe it was an entity that responds to the [State of Israel] to generate panic. It essentially resembles ISIS and the Twin Towers and responds to the creation of a terrorist panic.”

In an article published on the extremist Spanish website,, the far-left Basque political party, Herritar Batasuna, wrote: “Today, March 14, we emphatically declare that the coronavirus is an instrument of the Third World War that has unleashed Yankee Zionist imperialism. The Anglo-Saxon capitalist and Zionist elite that is the enemy of all Humanity has taken a further step in its criminal and genocidal offensive ... All the revolutionary workers in the Basque Country should know that the hegemonic imperialism that is the Anglo-Saxon-Zionist bloc, and its dominant state expression that is the United States of America, together with its satellites, the United Kingdom and the Zionist colony that has usurped Israel's historical name have launched a merciless global war against all Humanity, including the Working Classes of their respective countries. Because it is the class struggle that is at the heart of all these events. The priority, at the moment, is to defeat hegemonic Yankee-Zionist imperialism on all fronts.”

French far-right figure Henry de Lesquen spoke at a "Swiss Resistance" meeting in Aigle and said "There's worse than coronavirus -- judeovirus (Jewish virus)."
Ivo Sasek, a Swiss Holocaust denier, posted on his organization’s website,, an article falsely accusing Jewish American George Soros of spreading the virus, writing that "there is another laboratory in Wuhan that works with viruses: financed by American billionaire George Soros, WuXi PharmaTech Inc."

On ATV, a pro-government TV station, a Turkish "expert" mused that whoever spread the virus will find the cure, and Israel already has a vaccine.
Fatih Erbakan, the head of the Islamist Yeniden Refah Partisi political party, and son of a former Turkish Prime Minister, stated that while we “do not have any hard evidence…Zionism could be behind the Coronavirus."

Two articles are also of note on, a self-proclaimed leftist website founded and run by volunteers to advance socialist progressive opinions, with a record of promoting antisemitic conspiracies: 
Esmeralda García Ramírez wroteabout the virus that “the US economic, financial, political, and media power structure, along with the Zionist state of Israel, uses biological weapons to divert attention from its economic and political conflicts." Her article also promoted ideas of American antisemite and conspiracy theorist Philip Giraldi.
Joaquin Roman Rondon Santiago wrote that "The success of the [cryptocurrency] platform would offer the world a financial and economic alternative capable of destroying international law and world trade dominated by the United States and Israel...seriously threatened by the biological warfare unleashed from Israel and the imminent financial crisis that is beginning to dethrone the dollar, making the establishment of a collaborative world market


You got to go.’ Orange County service center employee accused of anti semitism 
March 24, 2020


White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says

The alert was sent to local police agencies by federal officials.

By Josh Margolin
March 23, 2020, 1:41 PM


Iran Pushes Anti-Semitic Theories on Coronavirus | IFCJ

Mar 9, 2020 · The evil regime of the Islamic Republic is deflecting responsibility for its own failures by placing the blame on Israel

Iran's regime pushes antisemitic conspiracies about coronavirus
March 8, 2020 - Jerusalem Post


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